Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP

Community Powered Revitalization

Thank you for another great CPR Blitz Weekend!

Dianne and I are continually blessed by the out pouring of kindness in this community.  Once again this community pulled together and the Fall 2012 CPR Blitz was a huge success.  Over a thousand volunteers, numerous businesses, organizations and churches all worked together to help restore hope to 24 struggling homeowners.  We hear stories of not only homeowners but also of volunteers and businesses being touched because of what takes place during these weekends.  For us, it is hard to put into words the awesomeness we experience during one of the CPR events.

We feel honored to be a part of an organization like 6 Stones and to be able to be involved in the CPR program along with the cities of Hurst, Euless and Bedford.

Over the next few weeks we’ll attempt to share some of the stories of the homeowners and the huge impact this community made in their lives!

Thank You
Wes & Dianne Higdon

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October 29, 2012

Thanks Higdons and the rest of the 6Stones Family for organizing another great event! It was so well organized and a lot of fun. PS–What a great looking group in that picture! Oh wait… that was our group.