Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Only 4…oops…now only 3 Hole Sponsorships left!

Obviously, the back pack drive was an incredible day…but things haven’t slowed down at all!

We’ve had one of our largest weeks ever distributing food and clothing.  We’ll up date you next week after we close out the month, but we’ve well exceeded the 2000 mark, June-August.  And we could use your help!  Check you the needs listed to the left under our Compassion Ministry heading.

But, we’ve had a flurry of activity this week with numersous companies wanting to be a part of blessing our community through the Euless Revitalization Program by participating in the Golf Tournament, September 15.

We exceeded our sponsorship opportunity at the $500 level due to the demand and have added two more opportunities to cover that.  We’ve have filled both of our $1500 level sponsorships. 

We anticipate a very exciting announcement next week about our $2500 level…and thank you DFW Plastics for your gracious sponsorship at the $3500 level.

If you are still interested in filling these last few spots, please contact us or click here to Become a sponsor

We would also love to have you come play with us….and yes ladies, you too!  You are a vital part of this program.  If you’d like to play in this great event, with a chance to win $500/ player for the winning foursome, click here, to Sign up to play

if you like to learn more or download the brochure, click the link, up and over to the left.

And, if you don’t play, but want to be a part, we’d love to have you Sign up to volunteer, (we’ve got a free golf shirt for you too!)

Thank you again for your interest and your support, in so many areas…God is up to something big!