Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Lending a Hand for Those Special Occasions

High school seniors at Trinity and Bell are preparing for their proms.  The prom is considered a rite of passage and is anticipated enthusiastically by most.  The prom is a formal wear occasion and can be expensive.  Prom ticket prices range between $55-65.  Tux rentals are about $150 and formal dresses are easily in the hundreds.

Some Bedford residents were visiting recently when one of them received a call asking if her daughter could borrow a dress for prom.  While they were thinking about the growing economic needs in the community, they started discussing the numerous prom and banquet dresses hanging unused in closets throughout Hurst, Euless and Bedford.  

That conversation was the start of the HEB Prom Closet. Its mission is to lend special occasion attire to all HEB area students and their families regardless of financial need. 

“Our goal is to recycle the dresses and suits – to get them out of closets and let them be used again, and maybe again after that.  This will not only help the residents in our community financially but it will also allow us to be “environmentally friendly” in our approach,” explained Brenda Harris, one of the founders of the HEB Prom Closet.   “Our desire is to be a year-round outreach – not only lending prom wear but also clothing for banquets, homecomings, quinceaneras, weddings, job interviews, and other special events.  We also collect HEB high school graduation gowns and caps so that these items may be recycled and reused again and not just disposed of after each year’s graduation ceremonies.”

After Ms. Harris presented the plan to the Bedford City Council, the city agreed to lease space at a minimal charge to house the Prom Closet.  “The City Council was in unanimous agreement that the HEB Prom Closet would provide a beneficial service to our community.  Bedford is pleased to be able to play a small part in the establishment of the HEB Prom Closet, and we hope it’s a great success!  Beverly Griffith, Bedford City Manager stated.

Formal, semi-formal, business wear, dresses, suits, tuxedos, wraps, shoes and accessories can be dropped at the following businesses:

Bedford Candle Wick: 3322 Harwood (left of Tom Thumb), 817-571-2850

Bedford Salons N Motion: 2800 Bedford Rd at Murphy, 817-657-4247

Euless HEB ISD PTA Clothes Closet: 1100 Raider Dr., 817-399-2559

Hurst Barbara’s Dance Studio: 428 W. Bedford Euless Rd., 817-280-0600

The HEB Prom Closet is located at 1725 Bedford Road in Bedford.  Lending days are scheduled as follows:

Saturday, March 26 10 am – 4 pm   (Seniors Only) 

Saturday, April 2  10 am – 4 pm (all students)

Saturday, April 9  10 am – 4 pm (all students)

Ms. Harris said depending on space, funding, and volunteers, the HEB Prom Closet would like to be an outreach program for anyone in the community who needs to borrow an item for a one-time event.  Its slogan is “Lending a Hand for Those Special Occasions.”  To learn more, visit the HEB Prom Closet facebook page or email Check out the Star-Telegram article.

The HEB Prom Closet Leadership Board consists of six local residents:  Dr. Robin Witt, Brenda Harris, Melody Davenport, Arlissa Schober, Holley Hendrickson, and Sissy Smyer.