Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Closet 360…Wear Love

So you don’t have a Box Truck or a forklift…obviously… most people don’t.

But, what God does call us to do is what we can, where we can, when He ask, with whatever we have. That’s what Melody Downing, GirlsMinister of theThree Sixty Student Ministry, lead her girls to do on May 16.

This is a great story that reminds us all…we can contribute and we can make a difference in the Kingdom!


Closet 360…Wear Love

What girl doesn’t like to shop? What girl wouldn’t want to make a difference in their community and have an impact on their world? The Radiant Girls Ministry of First Euless came together to hold an event for 7th through 12th grade girls that would give them the opportunity to do both!

For months leading up to Saturday, May 16th, the girls in our student ministry began cleaning out their closets and donating their gently used clothing, accessories, and shoes to Closet 360. Closet 360 began from a simple prayer asking God to give me an idea of how our girls could be involved in making a difference in their community and the world they live in, while having fun in the process. God answered my prayer and the idea of creating a girls ministry store was born. The girls on our student leadership team, along with other adult leaders, were a huge part of the process. They helped with ideas, invited their friends, and helped sort through and price items to create a store in Campus West. On that Saturday, girls and their friends were invited to shop and purchase other donated items for a price more reasonable than Plato’s Closet, for example.

The purpose of the store was not only to give girls a fun opportunity to shop for cheap clothes, but also to raise money to donate to 6 Stones Mission Network and to World Vision to help young girls in the world who have been exploited through trafficking. Wear Love was the theme of the event, based on Colossians 3:12, 14 – “So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. And regardless of what else you put on, Wear Love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it” (The Message). Closet 360 was not just a fun event for the girls in our student ministry, but an opportunity for them to serve and allow God to use them to make a difference in the lives of others in our community and around the world. The girls have already showed excitement about opening the store again in the future, and for it to become an ongoing ministry. Our prayer is that God will take the money raised and bless and multiply it in a way that will have physical, spiritual, and eternal significance in the lives of many people.

So, what is God calling you to do to impact our community? I’d love to hear it…and help you!

Click here and let me know.


Student Leadership Girls

(Bottom left) Lindsay Henderson, Sarah Fitch, Elaine Clarkson, Lacy Bynum

(Top left) Melody Downing, Mia Dobbs, Lauren Ware, Maddy Yancey, Candace Hutchinson.

(Not pictured) Marissa Molina, Sarah Fine, Laura Parker, Ashlei Yonce