Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Anyone and everyone can make a difference!

We wanted to share with you from a totally different perspective….from the eyes and heart of Kent Wells, Student Pastor, First Euless.  Read on!

Do you believe this statement, “You will never look more like your Savior than when you serve someone else!”  The 360 Student Ministry of First Euless believes it.  So much in fact, we put our regular Sunday morning schedule aside to go and serve our community.   6 Stones has been feeding 100’s of struggling families in our area since it’s opening day.  With such high demand, they found their pantry was quickly depleting and Scott Sheppard called our Student Ministry to help.

Nearly 300 students and adults answered that call for help on Sunday morning, August 30th.  Our adults packed their cars with students and went to local neighborhoods gathering food items to restock the shelves in the back of Campus West.  For all involved, it was a major win and a huge success.  So many times people sit inside the walls of a church and talk about what the church should be doing to help it’s community.  This past Sunday, our church put feet to their words and did church outside the walls of our regular Sunday morning.  With all of the food that came pouring in, literally thousands of items, our students spent the morning restocking those once empty shelves.

Many of our students found people at home, surprised by the early visit.  In those visits, several told our students they should have been at church that morning or at least out doing what they were for the community.  One thing is certain, our students and our community now have a bigger picture of what the “church” is all about.   

Our students now know that when someone walks into 6 Stones for help with food, that’s not all they will get!   Many of those needing food, will walk out in a relationship with Jesus Christ!  For 6 Stones, it’s not just meeting the physical needs as much as it is meeting the spiritual needs.  360 will continue to partner together with 6 Stones because their passion is the salvation of souls – which if you remember, is exactly what Jesus Christ gave His life for.

Now it’s your turn!

Thanks Kent, Matt and Josh for your leadership.  And thank you 360 Student Ministry.  You will never know how many lives you will impact.  

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October 19, 2009

What an amazing testimony when we can shine practical and genuine love for a community experiencing hunger in more than one way!