Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


6 Stones – a catalyst of hope

6 Stones began with one statement, “What if?” It began a journey that has taken us a long way in only three short years. We pray that last Friday, 1-20-2012 was another watershed moment in the life of our community.
Three years ago, almost to the day, 6 Stones held its first Lunch & Learn. About 20 people met for lunch to explore the needs in our community. We discussed what we should try to tackle first and how to do it in the days ahead.
Friday, 1-20-2012, over 200 people met for lunch as 6 Stones asked, “What’s next?”
Scott Sheppard, Executive Director of 6 Stones, took time to recognize leaders from our county, cities, school district, corporate partners and faith-based organizations for their work and collaboration in 2011.
Scott had the opportunity to share an overview from the 6 Stones Board’s strategic plan for 2012/2013 as well as, begin a dialogue about the most pressing issues we face and need to address in the days ahead. The response was phenomenal! We will share more in the coming days about this event, the direction of 6 Stones and the information collected from our community leaders on that day. 
A key element of the day was a presentation of the new vision of 6 Stones that came out of the strategic planning session.
The vision of 6 Stones is to be the catalyst of hope that transforms lives, home and communities.
A vision statement is a picture of what the future will be like if the mission is executed properly. When your mission is to serve an ever evolving community, there may not be a perfect picture of the future. But, maybe there could be a picture of what the model, or in this case, the role model in the community might look like. 
We would like for you to take a look at this presentation from Friday, because there are a lot of examples, but none more fitting than the first recipient of the “6 Stones, Gary McKamie Catalyst of Hope Award.” 

Thank you Gary for your immeasurable impact and dedication to this community.
Stay tuned! We will be sharing more about the luncheon over the next several days and what it truly means to be a catalyst of hope.