Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


New Hope Center expands hours

New Hope Center has undergone a complete make-over – new paint, new carpet, new furniture, and new room arrangements. Prior to June1, the center was open one day a week meeting the needs of an average of 15-45 families per week.

Beginning June 1 the center opened an additional three days per week (10 extra hours per week) with additional changes. We were challenged to be intentional about sharing Christ with our clients. So on June 1 we began a new journey to see what God could do if we gave Him time to work within the hearts of our clients. The first 30 minutes of our day were a bit hectic, but we managed to share Christ with 45 clients resulting in 6 professions of faith by the end of the day. (By the way, currently we only have two counselors who are sharing with our clients.) We were tired but praising God for what He did that day. It is amazing what God can do when we move out of the way!

The rest of the month was equally amazing! We acquired many new volunteers including young people as well as adults. We were thankful for the additional hands and feet that provided some relief for our faithful few who have been involved with this ministry for 18 years. And they keep coming! Each week I receive calls or emails from members asking how and when they can help. Some come and spend all day Mondays with us; others give us a few hours each week – and that’s OK. We put everyone to work either sorting clothes, storing food, cleaning the warehouse, or picking up and delivering furniture.

Everyone likes to hear positive results and the numbers for June are overwhelming to say the least. We served 185 families, 685 family members with 43 professions of faith. And that’s just the clients! Prior to June 1, we averaged 6-8 volunteers per week. At the end of June, we had a total of 214 volunteers who helped at the New Hope Center or 6Stones Warehouse, which averages out to about 53 volunteers per week. We could not have done it without their help – so to all of our volunteers a big THANK YOU! You are our heroes!

We could not have fed all of these families without the generosity of First Euless. Your response to the Food Drive was equally overwhelming. When two young preschoolers walked in saying they had collected food and clothing from their neighbors to give to the center, we were speechless! God has touched your hearts and others are benefiting from your donations. Our shelves are once again at capacity! THANK YOU, church, for responding to God’s call and for providing food for many families in need.

God has taught us many things in the last few months – to be humble and to seek his face so that He can bless his people. Each day brings a different miracle in our ministry! We just sit back and watch God work!