Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


National Night Out in Hurst

National Night Out (NNO) is celebrated all over the United States. In 2011, 37 million people participated in the NNO! In most states they celebrate in August, but for obvious reasons here in Texas we celebrate in October. This celebration is aimed at promoting neighborhood spirit and is a chance for civic leaders to display the unity among all the various agencies of government that are necessary to operate a city. It provides a great platform for the police and fire departments to associate with families and children to remove barriers that might exist.  The benefit to a community from NNO extends well beyond the one night.

On October 2, the Community Ministries of 6 Stones collaborated with the city of Hurst to host NNO at Vivagene Copeland Park, in the Bellaire area of Hurst. The event was a great success with over 1000 in attendance including more than 150 volunteers! The volunteers included city council members, policemen, firemen, and many other city officials. There were other volunteers from First Baptist Church Hurst, Crossroads Youth Group, First Baptist Church Euless, Glen Rose Park Kids Clubs and CityLife Church!

Jim Pack, associate pastor of CityLife and 6 Stones board member stated that all the Family Fun Nights we conducted throughout the summer at smaller venues prepared us for this big event. The city of Hurst gave tremendous support along with all the other agencies represented…many who came just to serve. One of our regular volunteers named TK (Tim Kennedy) is from Arlington. He brought two international students from UTA to participate with us! There were so many children we needed every volunteer we had to cover all the activities.  Lee Simon and his fearsome group were present on the grill cooking more than 1150 hotdogs.  It was a thrill just to be there and be able to meet the needs of all the families that attended!

A special 6 Stones “Thank You” to all who volunteered and made National Night Out a great blessing for our community!