Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP

New Hope, Volunteer

Kids Can Help, Too!


While students across the country enjoyed candy and games at school Valentine’s Day parties, 40 2nd graders from Tree Tops Academy took the holiday as an opportunity to give love away to people in need in our community.  These students collected food and clothing for the New Hope Center and delivered all of the items on a field trip for Valentine’s Day.  While at 6 Stones, the kids got to learn all about the work done in our community – from Community Powered Revitalization (CPR) to the Bedford/6 Stones Community Garden, and everything in between!

While touring the 6 Stones campus, the kids were thrilled to learn that the clothes and food that they had worked hard to gather would go home with other families that would need them.  They were fascinated by the freezing cold breeze that came out of the new cold storage unit.  They enjoyed exploring the Community Garden and learning what different vegetables look like while being grown.  While the students enjoyed learning and seeing all that happens at 6 Stones, their favorite part was getting the opportunity before they left to unload all of their donations and actually sort through them and put them onto the shelves.

As the group finished up sorting and was getting ready to leave, I overheard a parent talking with a small group of students.  After asking how they like the experience, she said to them, “You know, just because you’re a kid doesn’t mean you can’t help!  Kids can help, too!”  And that is true – kids of all ages can get involved and start learning from an early age what it means to be a  catalyst of hope!

Here’s some ways you can involve your kids:

  • Make cards or treats to give away. You can deliver them personally or bring them up to the New Hope Center, and we’d be happy to pass them out.
  • Adopt a neighbor in need. Find an elderly or ill neighbor – rake their leaves, clean up their house, do anything they need.
  • Collect food or clothes to donate. Ask your friends, your family, and your neighbors – then bring your collection up to New Hope.
  • Have a FUNdraiser. Find creative ways to raise money – a lemonade stand, garage sale, or selling baked goods.