Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


First Euless YoungSingles – Changed

On October 14-15, about 1,000 volunteers went into the community to revitalize 25 houses. The First Euless University & YoungSingles adopted one of those houses.

Jeremy Lucarelli, University and Young Singles Minsiter at First Euless, had been challenging the young singles to be more involved in their church and community. When plans for the CPR Blitz began, a young single approached 6 Stones and asked to adopt a house and lead the project. God had already prepared skills and talent in their group (an electrician, engineer, etc.) to lead a team who were ready and willing to paint and work hard.

When the day came, they were introduced to the homeowner—a recent widow suffering health issues.

The singles cleared out her house and began to go to work, priming, painting, fixing floors, cleaning, organizing and so on. Through all of this work, they made the effort to get to know the homeowner and hear her story.

As Saturday came to an end, they realized this did not need to be the end of their efforts to minister to this woman. As a group, the young singles decided to make a long term commitment to her. They wanted to continue what they had started—CPR was just the beginning.