Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP

Community Powered Revitalization, CPR

FAQ: Community-Powered Revitalization

If you know anything about 6 Stones, you’re probably familiar with Community-Powered Revitalization (CPR). But knowing that it exists and understanding the program are two very different things. We want everyone who volunteers with us to feel like an invaluable part of the program (because everyone who volunteers is). So, to help you get plugged in, we’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions below.

And just in case you’re struggling to visualize yourself using a vacation day to do some hard labor, we’ve put together a quick glimpse at what that day will actually look like for you:

What time does CPR end each day?

It totally depends on the project and the number of volunteers. As a rule of thumb, we say that Friday shifts end around 2:00 pm and Saturdays wrap up around 4:00 pm. If your house is completely restored at noon, you’re welcome to leave after lunch. On the other hand, we’ve seen committed volunteers work until dinner time because they just couldn’t bear to leave anything unfinished. Out of respect for those hard workers, we ask all volunteers to stay until the day’s tasks are complete, if at all possible.

I’m not able to work on a house. Is there something else I can do?

Yes!  We have a number of other volunteer roles, all of which are available through registration. We need help picking up breakfast food, working the registration tables at the morning kick-off, putting together and delivering lunches, coming early to help set up, and even coming the day before to help stage all the materials. If you register, we’ll find you a place.

Do I need to be an expert in home repair?

Not at all! We love it when our volunteers have experience; it helps to have carpenters, roofers, tree removal experts, and other professionals on site. But a lot of the work that needs to be done is simple and easy to learn. Most anyone can do yard work, clean gutters, or apply primer and paint. We place experts at every site, too, so that you can ask them to teach you a thing or two!

What if I have a particular trade skill? Should I register for something specific?

Yes, and we love you for asking. We need skilled carpenters, fencing experts, electricians, plumbers, landscapers, window and garage door installers, and on and on and on. If you’re available to help in the weeks leading up to the blitz, that’s even better. It usually takes a bit of skilled labor to prep each house for the major overhaul it will receive during the weekend. If you have special skills — or friends who have special skills — we NEED you! The more the merrier! Just make sure that you mark your expertise on the registration page so that we can get you plugged in where you are needed.

What if I want to serve on a specific project with specific people?

That’s the dream! We let volunteers choose their worksite as often as we can. If you know a Site Captain, ask them for the house number where they will be working. If you have a group that wants to work together, just email Jessica (, and she’ll assign you a house number. Barring that, we prefer that you sign up to serve in or near the city where you live so that this program is enabling neighbors to help neighbors. Most importantly, you should NEVER sign up alone! Invite a few friends to join you. CPR is way more fun when you’re building relationships with the other people on your worksite.

How does someone qualify for assistance through CPR?

We work in tandem with city governments to identify the homes and homeowners who are most in need of assistance. We have a variety of methods for identifying at-risk homes — ranging from volunteer groups that leave flyers for homeowners to a partnership with Code Enforcement in each city we serve — but the overall process is simple. If a house needs exterior work, the homeowner can submit an application through their city. After checking to see if they qualify, we send a volunteer out to look at the house and create a Scope of Work so that our volunteers know exactly what needs to be done.

I’m not connected to a church or corporate sponsor… am I going to feel like I don’t belong?

We hope not! The whole point of CPR is to mobilize the community to serve the community. Whether you come out with your small group, your co-workers, a group of students, or all by yourself, you’re part of it! We only ask one thing of our volunteers: that they care about this community enough to sacrifice their time and energy to make it better. If you can do that, you belong here.

I want to bring my kids out so that they can learn to give back. Is that an option?

Yes and no. For liability reasons, volunteers have to be at least 12 years old to work on a house. We still see lots of junior high and high school students at our work sites, though, and we’d love for your family to join them. That said, if you’ve got really little ones, the best option to get them involved will be Family Serve Day.

I love what you’re doing, but I can’t make it to the event. How can I help?

Answer: As you might expect, CPR is an expensive program. A financial gift is almost as big a blessing as your time. We need folks to sponsor houses, materials, and even lunches. You can make a donation through our giving page, or email Teresa ( to discuss House Sponsorship. If you can help to provide food, please let Jessica know (

Just because those are all of the Frequently Asked Questions doesn’t mean we’ve covered all the bases! Feel free to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or right here in the comments. We want you to feel like you’re part of the team. Because once you’ve volunteered here… you are!