Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Coming to a foyer near you

Many of you have asked about ordering a 6 Stones Polo Shirt.  We will be taking orders the next two Sundays (Sept 19 & 26) in the foyer at First Baptist Euless.  The shirts are Antigua Exceed (100% polyester micro flat pique Desert Dry Xtra-Lite D2XL moisture management) and cost only $25. 

And, be sure to pick up a packet to link your grocery loyalty cards with 6 Stones for cost-free giving all year long.