Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP


Black Friday is coming!


Black Friday is coming.  And NO…not a stock market crash! 

Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the Holiday Season!  The day after Thanksgiving.

So, while you are contemplating which sale to attack first…(come on…..Old Navy stores open at 3 AM?  “Good grief, Charlie Brown!”), why not include on your shopping list, a family or child that is finding it hard in these tough economic times.  We have just under 250 familes left to adopt this holiday season through our Night of Wonder Christmas program. 

Also, check out what Dr. Buinger, Superintendent of the HEB ISD says about “Night of Wonder” and the conditions in our area and the school district, click here.  It’s definitely not getting any better! 

If you can give us a hand, and there are lots of ways, but specifically, if you can adopt a child or a family, check out  We also have lots of elves signing up to help prepare food boxes, Faith Christian School helped with the parent gifts, and many are planning on volunteering at the school parties.  Come join us!

And let me say thank you to the many folks that are dropping by New Hope in a steady stream, donating food, clothing and furniture…you are a blessing!

Oh…and as you are contemplating where to shop this holiday season…try Target in Euless!  They are supplying all the cake and cider, as well as, paper plates, napkins, forks, cups and more.  They are even sending employee-volunteers to help at the parties!  Thank you Target!  And while you are at Target, tell Lee Cappelletti “thank you” for her support!