Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives

Join us May 8 to bring Hope to families in need.


Days Left to RSVP

Hungry for Hope – A Dinner That Changes Lives
Join us May 8 to bring Hope
to families in need.

Days Left to RSVP

Food, New Hope

$8,200 Per Minute Donation!!

The other day, Alex got a call from Feed The Children to see if we could handle a full truckload of Heinz/Ore Ida frozen sweet potato fries?  Yes!!

How much is that? ….41 pallets/1385 cases/25624 lbs.
What is the value of that donation? Almost $82,000.00.

This donation was handled with 2 calls in about 10 minutes = $8,200 per minute!

6 Stones does not have the capacity to receive and store this donation – YET. Where did it go? How’d you do that?

FOOD SHARE PARTNERS – a group of 5 non profits sharing food, warehousing & transportation to secure and distribute food donation in North Texas (Community Enrichment Center/NRichland Hills,  Harvest Int’l Ministries/Mansfield, Community Food Bank/Ft Worth, Family Care Ministries/Dallas & 6 Stones).

Family Care Ministries picked up the product (in FW) with their 18 wheeler and delivered it to Mansfield where it could be stored frozen. The rest of us go there to pick up what we need. What we pick up one day can be in the hands of our clients the next day.

This process happens weekly in one form or the other – Food Share Partners sharing assets, exchanging food and helping the ever increasing economically challenged families that we all serve.

Each of our partners have needs for food, warehousing and transportation.

6 Stones’ greatest need is for refrigerated and frozen food coolers. Pass the word.